Lord Tachanka
Time Received: 2018-10-05T11:49:59.701779-05:00 — Amount: $100.00

got family with cancer, so i know it sucks first hand.

so i hope this helps.

sincerely Lord Tachanka


Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Day 1 Super Mario Party Day 1 Super Mario Party Super Mario Party Character Selection -- Waluigi $20.00
Day 2 Keep Talking & Nobody Explodes Day 2 Keep Talking & Nobody Explodes Keep Talking - Speech Jammer $20.00
Day 1 Overwatch Day 1 Overwatch Daddy Reinhardt and His Little Torblets $20.00
Day 1 Team Fortress 2 Day 1 6v6 Na Vs Eu NA vs EU 6s - Ping Advantage -- EU Ping Advantage $20.00
Day 1 Super Mario Party Day 1 Super Mario Party Super Mario Party River Survival Mode $20.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty