Luc - DaNovA
Time Received: 2021-10-02T12:15:44.884124-05:00 — Amount: $2.00

After eight years of toth, it's coming back to what it's always been : a bunch of friends having fun together just so that folks with difficult lives can do exactly the same. You guys' events reminded constantly that I could act for happiness of my own and of others, and I'll forever cherish what it all means to me. Today, my heart's heavy, but the shiny pin that rests above it. Thank you all so much, tothHeartP.S.: If you are still taking game suggestions, you should try out Unspottable ! 4 players get to play hide & seek where they wack each other to win - the only way hide & seek was really meant to be played

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty