Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Biliski, Bartek (Asa195) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
10th cent huehuehue $2.10 (12) $1.00/$0.17
tothHotlange in chat PogChamp $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
irfx $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Reayal Rosebloom $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
TheHitman13511 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
F..., Will (PrepareForSalt) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Doug61 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Mentos68 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Doge $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Verde $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
My Land, My Dream $1.01 (2) $1.00/$0.51
Clary, Brendan (Love you Lange -Benny) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Ayoub $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Aldo Yaldo $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Whaleshark_ $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
adobe $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
HyperDan $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
neon234 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
:)28 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
G..., Nicholas (Kraspu) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Eliminaattori $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Apollo51 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
:)64 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Crow12 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Sovers $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Buller, Jonathan (MortyWithTheBlueShirt) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Austin158 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
sudanym $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Spikey $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
G..., Jorge (George Gonzalez) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Double $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
STER MUST READ THIS! $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Adair, Logan (Lapis ) $2.00 (2) $1.00/$1.00
SuperMuffinLickR $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
smt $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Lange157 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
BigTuna $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
DaRebel $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
StickXy $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
BananaPieh $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Iggynacio $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
A..., Tyler (Tyler A) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
ConvoBreaker $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Anonymous (Actually Larry David) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Bestginger4 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
clubpenguinkid69 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
ScaryLiamb752 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
B4nny252 $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00
Ribeiro dos Anjos, Hugo Henrique (hug) $1.00 (1) $1.00/$1.00

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